Governance Structure

Steering Committee

Joan Brunet

Work Package Leader 1

ICO – Intitut Català d’Oncologia

Joan Brunet is a medical oncologist with a conviction that genetics is the best way to prevent cancer. His research is focused on the clinical translation of multi-gene panel testing for hereditary cancer. He is also involved in many projects related to Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer and Lynch syndrome, such as the role of microbiota and the development of a genetic screening test for gynaecological cancer.
In the PREVENTABLE project, he is leading the work package 1 “responsible in the establishment and validation of parallel and condition-specific care pathway per RTRS” and the principal investigator for Birt-Hogg Dubé Syndrome (BHDS).

Carla Oliveira

Work Package Leader 2

i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Carla Oliveira is a group leader at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Univ. Porto and the coordinating scientist of PREVENTABLE. She is internationally recognized for her work in E-cadherin/CDH1-related diseases and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC), and for disclosing novel germline causes and somatic events in tumours, with impact for patient management and therapy. Her main scientific aims are to disclose the missing heritability in hereditary gastrointestinal cancer and actionable genotype-phenotype relationships in these diseases. The social and economic impact of hereditary cancer is a transversal aspect in her research and she privileges the interaction with patient’s associations.

Céu Mateus

Work Package Leader 3

LU – Lancaster University
United Kingdom

Céu Mateus is a Professor of Health Economics in the Division of Health Research at Lancaster University.  She has over 25 years of experience in research and has developed her expertise around economic evaluation of health technologies and interventions, efficiency measurement, equity and quality of life. She has been involved in several scientific associations in the field of health care such as PCSI, EuHEA and the Portuguese Chapter of ISPOR. She is responsible in creating the model costs and outcomes for RTRS patients.

Marta Marques

Work Package Leader 4

UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Marta Marques is a Senior Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Centre, NOVA Medical School.
She is a member of the Portuguese Behavioral Science COVID-19 Task Force, and of the Executive Committee of the European Health Psychology Society. Her research focuses on applying health behaviour change theories to develop and evaluate complex digital interventions targeting a range of health behaviours (e.g. physical activity),
and in advancing the methods for the development of the science of behaviour change.
She is applying her expertise in this project to conduct behavioural analysis of the uptake of care pathways for RTRS

Laurène Mathey

Work Package Leader 5

EHMA – European Health Management Association

Laurène works as Director of Projects at European Health Management Association, where she manages European funded projects and the participation of the association in a dozen of projects. For PREVENTABLE, she supervises the leading of the Work-package 5, Making Rare Tumour Risk Syndromes (RTRS) visible.

Laurène has more than a decade experience in large European projects and communication, in the socio-medical field, as well as in social sciences and the health sector. She previously managed one of the European Reference Network and was European Affairs Manager of the Hospices Civils de Lyon, France.

Igor Lopes

Work Package Leader 6

SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

Igor Lopes is a senior consultant at Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) with experience in science communication and public outreach. With degrees in biological and agricultural engineering (B.S, M.S. and PhD). With experiences in Brazil, the United States, Australia, Portugal and the EU, Igor has conducted research related to environmental impact and alternative energy from animal and agricultural production, acted as the statistical design and analysis expert in animal behaviour and drug addiction studies, and worked with communication, public outreach and stakeholder engagement for European projects in the area of research integrity, health, biotechnology, academic excellence, and animal welfare.

Management Team

Carla Oliveira

Project Coordinator

i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Carla Oliveira is a group leader at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Univ. Porto and the coordinating scientist of PREVENTABLE. She is internationally recognized for her work in E-cadherin/CDH1-related diseases and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC), and for disclosing novel germline causes and somatic events in tumours, with impact for patient management and therapy. Her main scientific aims are to disclose the missing heritability in hereditary gastrointestinal cancer and actionable genotype-phenotype relationships in these diseases. The social and economic impact of hereditary cancer is a transversal aspect in her research and she privileges the interaction with patient’s associations.

Sara Pereira

Project Manager

i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Sara Pereira is the project manager of PREVENTABLE at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Univ. Porto. As a former life sciences researcher with a strong background in microbial biotechnology applied to health, she is skilled at overseeing all aspects of research projects, including its design, writing, implementation and teams’ leadership, being familiarized with the requirements and best-practices of research projects management. She is committed to advancing the knowledge and making an impact in the field of health sciences by supporting the research activities and fostering synergy among the different partners and stakeholders of PREVENTABLE.

Liliana Sousa

Coordination Team

i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Liliana Sousa is a Ph.D. student in Business Administration, at the University of Minho – School of Economics and Management, with a focus on research engagement among health professionals. She has experience supporting and managing various projects related to health sciences. This includes activities such as coordinating research initiatives, working with health professionals to enhance their engagement in research, and contributing to the overall management of projects within the health sciences domain. Her academic pursuit and practical experience indicate a commitment to bridging the gap between business administration and the critical field of health sciences.

Clinical Teams

Carla Oliveira

Principal Investigator on Clinical Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC)

i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Carla Oliveira is a group leader at i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Univ. Porto and the coordinating scientist of PREVENTABLE. She is internationally recognized for her work in E-cadherin/CDH1-related diseases and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC), and for disclosing novel germline causes and somatic events in tumours, with impact for patient management and therapy. Her main scientific aims are to disclose the missing heritability in hereditary gastrointestinal cancer and actionable genotype-phenotype relationships in these diseases. The social and economic impact of hereditary cancer is a transversal aspect in her research and she privileges the interaction with patient’s associations.

Ana Azevedo

Principal Investigator for Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) & Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour syndrome (GIST)

Centro Hospitalar de São João

Ana Azevedo is a director of Hospital Epidemiology Center, Centro Hospitalar São João.
Since 2007, she has been a specialist in Internal Medicine, also serving as a researcher at the Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto since 2006.
She has been an Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto since 2007.
She is part of the Associated Laboratory ITR, specifically the lab focused on “Individual and system factors for obtaining high-value healthcare.”
Her research ares fall into Clinical epidemiology and outcome research, hospital epidemiology, clinical quality, patient safety, and cardiovascular epidemiology.
She holds a role as a pricipal investigator for Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) & Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour syndrome (GIST) in the PREVENTABLE project.

Paula Soares

Principal Investigator for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour syndrome (GIST)

i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde

Paula Soares, BSc, MSc, PhD, is Associated Professor of Biopathology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Porto and coordinates the Group of Cancer Signaling and Metabolism at the I3S/IPATIMUP. Paula Soares research interests include oncobiology of endocrine and neuroendocrine tumors, with special emphasis on genetic changes in cell signaling molecules and cell immortalization mechanisms.

Joan Brunet

Principal Investigator for Birt-Hogg Dubé Syndrome (BHDS)

ICO – Intitut Català d’Oncologia

Joan Brunet is a medical oncologist with a conviction that genetics is the best way to prevent cancer. His research is focused on the clinical translation of multi-gene panel testing for hereditary cancer. He is also involved in many projects related to Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer and Lynch syndrome, such as the role of microbiota and the development of a genetic screening test for gynaecological cancer.
In the PREVENTABLE project, he is leading the work package 1 “responsible in the establishment and validation of parallel and condition-specific care pathway per RTRS” and the principal investigator for Birt-Hogg Dubé Syndrome (BHDS).

Judith Balmaña

Principal Investigator for Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Carcinomas (HLRCC)

VHIO – Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology

Judith Balmaña is a medical oncologist whose area of research expertise focus on identification and clinical management of individuals with a hereditary susceptibility to cancer, as well as targeted therapeutic options for individuals with a germline alteration leading to homologous recombination deficiency. In the PREVENTABLE project she is the principal investigator of the Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer (HLRCC) syndrome

Claude Houdayer

Principal Investigator for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS)

CHU Rouen – Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rouen

Claude Houdayer is a human geneticist involved in the diagnosis of RTRS, teaching and training. His translational research area includes genomic variant interpretation, functional testing and missing heritability fighting, genotype/phenotype correlations in oncogenetics, development and implementation of new strategies for mutational screening, splice defects and their in silico prediction.

Jean-Christophe Thery

Principal Investigator for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS)

CHB Rouen – Centre Regional de Lutte Contre Le Cancer Henri Becquerel Rouen

Jean-Christophe Thery is an oncologist involved in the treatment of Breast, HNSCC and Sarcoma tumors. He also works at CHU in the oncogenetic clinic for HBOC and LFS syndroms. His research area inside the 1245 Inserm Unit focuses on the molecular diagnosis of hereditary cancers.

Janneke Schuurs-hoeijmakers

Principal Investigator for PTEN Hamartoma Tumour Syndrome (PHTS)

Radboud – Stichting Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum
The Netherlands

Information will be available soon

Hildegunn Vetti

Principal Investigator for Familial Malignant Melanoma (FMM)

HUH – Helse Bergen HF

Hildegunn Høberg Vetti is a clinical geneticist whose clinical and research focus is on improving identification and care of patients and families with genetic tumour risk syndromes. In the PREVENTABLE project she is the principal investigator of Familial Malignant Melanoma (FMM).

Prof. Dr. Stefan Aretz

Principal Investigator for Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome (PJS)

UKB – Universitätsklinikum Bonn

Prof. Dr. Stefan Aretz is a the head of the research group HTS at the Institute of Human Genetics. He is working in the field of hereditary tumor syndromes (HTS) for almost 20 years with a broad experience in genetic counseling and differential diagnostics, molecular genetic diagnostics, and various research studies.
His special interest is to improve the identification and appropriate care of families affected by a genetic tumor predisposition.
His long-term research interest focuses on familial and hereditary colorectal cancer, in particular Lynch syndrome and gastrointestinal polyposes through (i) clinical descriptions, (ii) improvement of molecular genetic diagnostics; (iii) uncovering the genetic causes by identification of cryptic mutations in established genes and novel causative genes; (iv) the characterization of unclear genetic variants; and (v) evaluation and improvement of surveillance and preventive strategies

Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz

Principal Investigator for all RTRS

Karolinska University Hospital

Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz is an Adjunct Professor of Cancer Genetics, especially hereditary cancers.

Economic Evaluation Team

Céu Mateus

Leader of the Economic evaluation team

LU – Lancaster University
United Kingdom

Céu Mateus is a Professor of Health Economics in the Division of Health Research at Lancaster University.  She has over 25 years of experience in research and has developed her expertise around economic evaluation of health technologies and interventions, efficiency measurement, equity and quality of life. She has been involved in several scientific associations in the field of health care such as PCSI, EuHEA and the Portuguese Chapter of ISPOR. She is responsible in creating the model costs and outcomes for RTRS patients.

Judite Gonçalves

Member of the Economic evaluation team

UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Judite Gonçalves is a Health Economist working on the Economic evaluation team of the project. She coordinates a small team based at NOVA School of Business & Economics contributing to the modelling of costs and outcomes for RTRS patients.

Social Sciences Team

Marta Marques

Leader of the Social science team

UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Marta Marques, PhD in Health Psychology from Leiden University, is an Assistant Professor at the National School of Public Health, NOVA University of Lisbon, and an integrated member of the Comprehensive Health Research Centre. She is also a Visiting and Associate Researcher at the Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London. Her research focuses on development, implementation, and evaluation of behaviour change interventions. With over 70 publications, she has extensive experience in national and international projects, including HORIZON and NIH, and actively contributes to scientific societies and expert committees, such as the WHO.

Maiara Moreto

Member of the Social science team

UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Maiara Moreto holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology from ISPA – Instituto Universitário and works as a Research Assistant at NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon, and the Comprehensive Health Research Centre. Her research focuses on behaviour change, examining the factors that influence individual behaviours, including barriers and facilitators. Maiara applies behavioural sciences to identify these factors, aiming to develop effective, person-centered strategies for health behaviour change. She is also involved in research on the development of tools to support personalized interventions in complex healthcare contexts

Filipa Machado

Member of the Social science team

UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Filipa Machado holds a PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy by the University of Aveiro and Hasselt University. She is a post-doctoral researcher at Comprehensive Health Research Centre and EpiDoc Unit, NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon. She has 10 years of experience working with patients with different conditions and conducting person-centred research, being particularly interested in mixed-methods research. With over 30 publications, she has been actively involved in task forces and in the development of guidelines to improve patient care.

Outreach Team

Rebecca-Evelyn Papp

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

EHMA – European Health Management Association

As a Policy Officer at EHMA, the focus is on engaging with and influencing health policies, particularly in the context of Work Package 5 – “Making Rare Tumour Risk Syndromes (RTRS) Visible.” Responsibilities include policy analysis, advocacy, and strategic planning to address challenges related to rare tumour risk syndromes. This role involves collaborating with stakeholders, contributing to the development of effective policies, and ensuring the visibility of these syndromes in healthcare initiatives.

Septian Sigit Setiawan

Communication, Exploitation, and Dissemination

SPI – Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação

Septian Setiawan is an International Consultant with 5+ years of experience in engineering, education, and management consultancy, working on several Horizon Europe projects. One of them is the PREVENTABLE project where he is in charge of managing the dissemination and communication channels, developing and improving exploitation strategy, and creating innovation to expand the target outreach of the projects.

Nuno Teixeira Marcos

Outreach materials for RTRS-related knowledge

IPATIMUP – Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto

Nuno Teixeira Marcos heads the Cancer Prevention Unit of Ipatimup, a group at the interface of science, education and multimedia , dedicated to the production and dissemination of educational contents on cancer prevention. Holds a PhD in Human Biology from the Faculty of Medicine of the Univ. of Porto, was Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro, has published 13 scientific articles and made dozens of communications at conferences. Combines his career as a researcher in oncobiology with pedagogical experience, and with the audiovisual expertise to produce educational materials about RTRS in the ‘Preventable’ project

Team Member(s)

Catarina Carona – Project Management
Catarina Neves – Project Management
Ricardo Amorim – Scientist
Daniel Ferreria – Scientist
Paula Soares – Scientist
Paula Boaventura – Scientist
Valdemar Máximo – Scientist
João Vinagre – Scientist
Diana Ferreira – Scientist
Daniela Duarte – Scientist
Ana Mamede – Health Professional
Ana Rita Matos – PhD Student
Rui Sousa – IT Team
Marbelia Fernandes – IT Team
Virginia Fonseca – Financial office
Isabel Pontes – HR officer
Hugo Prazeres – Legal officer

Ana Grangeia
André Magalhães
António Gouveia
Barbara Peleteiro
Diogo Manuel Inácio
Elisabete Rios
Elsa Madureira
Fabiana Sousa
Fátima Carneiro
Fernanda Bastos
Isabel Amendoeira
Isabel Sousa Sousa
João Antunes
João Paulo Oliveira
José Luis Fougo
José Manuel Lopes
Luzia Garrido
Manuela Baptista
Margarida Marques
Nuno Tavares
Pedro Louro
Pedro Silva
Raquel Guimarães
Renata Oliveira
Sérgio Castedo
Susana Fernandes
Susy Costa
Tiago Nércio

Nuno Ribeiro
Ana Gomes
Fábio Barros
Ana Sofia Silva

Douglas Thompson – Project Management
Mónica Coelho – Financial office
Teresa Ruas – Financial office
Ana Vieira – Financial office
Brimoresa Dhoro – International Consultant

Ana Rodrigues – Scientist
Helena Canhão – Scientist
Ana Potes – Legal officer
Ana Sofia Almeida – Post-award office
Inês – Post-award office
Lina Simões – Post-award office
Rute Martins – Post-award office
Isabel Fernandes – Health Professional
Carolina di Fabrizio – Health Professional
Eduardo Neto

Alex Teule – Health Professional
Roser Lleuger – Health Professional
Adriana Costal – Health Professional
Núria Dueñas – Health Professional

Laura Duran – Research Coordinator
Àdria Lopez – Genetic counselor
Cristina Noguera – Assisstant
Alba Lopez – Project Management
Sara Fernández – Post-award office

Imma  Prats – Project Management
Judit Viladomat – Communication Team

Patricia Faure – Project Management
David Mallet – Financial office
Julien Blot – Legal office
Stephanie Baert-Desurmont – Health Professional
Edwige Kasper – Health Professional
Maud Branchaud – Health Professional
Nathalie Parodi – Health Professional
Mariette Renaux-Petel – Health Professional
Marion Rolain – Scientist
Gaelle Bougeard-Denoyelle – Scientist
Nicoline Hoogerbrugge –
Jasper Verkroost – Health Professional
Katja Verbeek – PhD Student

Birte Lundhaug – Scientist
Cathrine Bjorvatn – Scientist
Ingeborg Bachmann – Scientist
Rita Grude Ladstein – Scientist
Oddbjorn Straume – Scientist
Ida Wiig Sorensen – Scientist
Elisabet Ognedal – Scientist
Kristin Egset Kjode – Legal office
Vegar Loland – Financial office
Marianne Haavind – Assisstant

Robert Hüneburg
Isabel Spier – Scientist
Amalia Nanciu – Scientist
Katrin van Beekum – Health Professional
Kreshnik Pazai – Financial office
Sammy Zabout – Financial office
Arash Hedjazi – Legal office
Melanie Caspers – 
Jeramy Flora – Financial office
Helge Neidt – Financial office

Dolores Cviticanin – Policy officer
Andrew Titman – Scientist
James Mawdesley – Project Management
Mark Reynolds – Legal Office
Zillur Shabuz –
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