Invitation to participate in interviews to assess Rare Tumour Risk Syndrome care pathways across Europe

The European Health Management Association (EHMA), a member of the PREVENTABLE Consortium is currently conducting a series of interviews to perform a SWOT analysis of care pathways utilized in Rare Tumour Risk Syndromes (RTRS) within the European Union. As you may be aware, the PREVENTABLE project was initiated within the framework of ERN Genturis (ERN GENTURIS) and focuses on evaluating the cost-effectiveness of prevention versus treatment in cancer for individuals with Rare Tumour Risk Syndromes (RTRS).

EHMA hereby wishes to extend an invitation to specialists who are actively involved in diagnosing and/or treating RTRS for an online interview, to discuss the cost-effectiveness of the RTRS care pathway in their clinics and countries.

The objective is to:

  1. Assess the implementation of RTRS care pathways,
  2. Identify obstacles and weaknesses within RTRS care pathways.
  3. Identify opportunities to mitigate weaknesses and neutralise obstacles in RTRS care pathways.

This semi-structured interview will take two rounds and a total of 1.5 hours to complete. Personal details and identifying information will be kept anonymous. Information collected will be used to develop a summary report of RTRS care pathways and support the development of three country fiche case studies.

Your participation in this study is highly valuable and greatly appreciated as it will help us to better understand the strengths and limitations of RTRS care pathways in Europe. More detailed information about this collaborative work can be found in the concept note.

We would be pleased to arrange a conversation at your convenience to discuss this further. Should you be interested in participating in this project, please fill in the contact form below

If you believe that this invitation is more suitable for another colleague, please do not hesitate to share this invitation with them or forwarding us their contact details.

Best regards,

European Health Management Association